is for Arsenic
By David F. Walling
The EPA is proposing to reduce the public health risks from arsenic in the nations
drinking water by changing the current arsenic standard from 50 parts per billion (ppb) to
a much lower level of 5 ppb.
A March 1999, report by the National Academy of Sciences concluded that the current
standard does not achieve EPA's goal of protecting public health and should be lowered as
soon as possible. Under the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996, EPA is required to
publicize a final rule by January 1, 2001.
Long term exposure to low concentrations of arsenic in drinking water can lead to skin,
bladder, lung, and prostate cancer. Non-cancer effects of ingesting arsenic at low levels
include cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and anemia, as well as reproductive and
developmental, immunological, and neurological effects.
Short-term exposure to high doses of arsenic can cause other adverse health effects, but
such exposures do not occur from U.S. public water supplies at the current standard of 50
EPA set the current standard of 50 ppb in 1975, based on a Public Health Service standard
originally established in 1942.
People at greatest risk from long-term exposure are children, pregnant and lactating
women, and people with poor nutritional status and individuals with pre- existing diseases
that affect specific organs.
For community water systems that require corrective action to meet a standard of 5 ppb,
the EPA estimates that annual household costs will average $28 for Americans served by
large systems and $85 for those served by small systems (those serving fewer than 10,000
people). Over 98 percent of the cost to a water utility will come from adding treatment
equipment, chemicals, and management of the new treatment.
Since 1996, EPA's state revolving fund program has made available $3.6 billion to assist
drinking water systems with projects to improve their infrastructure. EPA has funded over
1000 loans for projects around the country.
Arsenic occurs naturally in rocks and soil, water, air, and plants. It can be further
released into the environment through natural activities such as volcanic action, erosion
of rocks, and forest fires, or through human actions. Approximately 90 percent of
industrial arsenic in the U.S. is used as a wood preservative, but arsenic is also used in
paints, dyes, metals, drugs, soaps, and semi-conductors. Burning fossil fuels, paper
production, cement manufacturing, and mining can also release arsenic into the
While many community water systems may have no detected arsenic in their drinking water
above 5 ppb, there may be "hot spots" with higher than the predicted levels of
arsenic for that area. Water systems in western states that depend on underground sources
of drinking water have naturally occurring levels of arsenic at levels greater than 10
ppb. Parts of the Midwest and New England have some systems whose current arsenic levels
range from 2-10 ppb.
The EPA is also proposing a public health goal of zero for arsenic. The health goal is the
level below which no known or anticipated health effects would occur. EPA sets public
health goals at zero for all known carcinogens for which there is no dose considered safe.
EPA has issued drinking water standards, or Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for more
than 80 contaminants. The standards limit the amount of each substance allowed to be
present in drinking water. Currently, the nations approximately 55,000 Community Water
Systems (CWSs) must test for these contaminants that may or may not be present in the
water. In 1996, 4,151 systems, or 7 percent, reported one or more MCL violations, and 681
systems (less than 2 percent) reported violations of treatment technique standards.
A process called risk assessment is used to set drinking water quality standards. When
assessing the cancer and non-cancer risks from exposure to a chemical in drinking water,
the first step is to measure how much of the chemical could be in the water. Next,
scientists estimate how much of the chemical the average person is likely to drink. This
amount is called the exposure
In developing drinking water standards, EPA assumes that the average adult drinks 2 liters
of water each day throughout a 70-year life span.
Risks are estimated separately for cancer and non-cancer effects. For cancer effects, a
risk assessment estimates a measure of the chances that someone may get cancer because
they have been exposed to a drinking water contaminant. EPA generally sets maximum
contaminant levels MCLs at levels that will limit individuals risk of cancer from that
contaminant to between 1 in 10,000 and 1 in 1,000,000 over a lifetime. For non-cancer
effects, the risk assessment estimates an exposure level below which no adverse effects
are expected to occur.
The EPA has considered Point of Entry (POE) and Point of Use (POU) as a viable treatment
technology for small communities with less than 1000 people but will only allow them to be
used by a treatment utility NOT by the individual homeowner. This will make certain that
there is accountability for the service of the equipment. The EPA has also required
pre-oxidation in single house or single treatment situations. This means that if you have
your own well system and you plan on using reverse osmosis or any other of the above
technologies you must first use chlorine to oxidize your well water. This will convert any
As-III species of arsenic to As-V so that it is more readily removed by your treatment
Community water systems that serve large populations of people that will be over the new
standard of 5 ppb will need to start being retrofited with the necessary equipment to keep
the system within the new 5 ppm standard.
Treatment for arsenic is readily available to community water treatment systems. The
treatment technologies that have been considered by the EPA as viable methods of treatment
for bringing arsenic levels to below the new 5 ppb standard are as follows
In no particular order of effectiveness
Coagulation/Filtration (C/F)
Activated Alumina (AA)
Ion Exchange (IX)
Ultrafiltration (UF)
Nanofiltration (NF)
Reverse Osmosis (RO)
Greensand Filtration (GF)
Lime Softening (LS)
As development in our modern society increases, there are a growing number of threats that
could contaminate our drinking water. Suburban sprawl has encroached upon once-pristine
watersheds, bringing with it all of the by-products of our modern life style. Actual
events of serious drinking water contamination occur seldom in this country, although in
the country Bangladesh high levels of Arsenic in numerous shallow and deep wells in
various parts of the country has raised serious health concerns. Recent investigations,
though incomplete, confirm that the occurrence of Arsenic in groundwater is more
widespread than assumed at first and that it already affects a large number of people. The
latest statistics available on arsenic contamination in the groundwater indicates that 59
districts around 85% of the total area of Bangladesh and about 75 million people are at
risk. It is estimated that at least 1.2 million people are exposed to Arsenic poisoning
and 24 million potentially exposed. With the threats of such events increasing, we cannot
take drinking water safety for granted. Greater vigilance by you, your water supplier, and
your government is vital to ensure that such events do not occur in your water supply.
For more information,
please contact R/O CONN at (602) 432-5402 or fax (602) 942-1451. Or you can E-mail us at roinfo@roconn.com.
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U.S. Patent # 5,660,720